June 2022 Meeting

The June meeting was a Q-n-A session so our new beekeepers could ask any questions they had and gain some insight from some of our more experienced beekeepers. We were able to record part of the meeting and have uploaded to our YouTube channel.

February 2022 Monthly Meeting

Update: February Meeting is CANCELLED

We are planning on having Jacob here in March instead.

When: February 3rd at 7:00 PM

Where: Cave Springs church of Christ Family Center

Scheduled Speaker: Jacob Bates, Arkansas Bee Inspector

Important Note: We are monitoring the weather forecast for a potential significant winter storm moving into the area on Wednesday, the 2nd. As the forecasts become a little more reliable we may need to make the decision to cancel the meeting as would not want anyone getting hurt trying to make it to the meeting. We will update this page and send an email notice out if the meeting is cancelled.

December 2021

Just a reminder that we will not be meeting in the month of December. We hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and we plan on seeing everyone in the New Year on January 6th when we resume our regular monthly meetings.