Apiary Registration -- IT'S THE LAW
Arkansas State Law requires ALL beekeepers to register their apiaries. This is a free process and can be done using the form at the button below. You will need to supply the county; quarter section, section, township, and range; and the latitude/longitude of the apriary. We can help you determine these if you are a club member. By registering your apiaries the state agriculture department can notify you if there are any bee diseases discovered in your area.
It is also required by Arkansas state law to keep honey bees in hives that have movable frames/top bars so they may be inspected. A certificate of health issued by one of the state apiary inspectors allows honey bee colonies to be moved about the state for the period of one (1) year, it also allows honey bee colonies, honey bees, and/or queen bees to be sold within six (6) months of the issuance of the certificate.
For the registration form you will need to know the quarter section, section number, township/range numbers, and the latitude/longitude in degrees decimal format. These can be found by clicking here. Enter the address of your apiary in the search bar. This will zoom in on your apiary's location and it will populate across the top of the map your section number, Township/Range numbers, and at the far right will be your latitude/longitude in degrees decimal format. You will then need to zoom out to be able to see the whole section (1-mile square, red box) to determine if you are in the NE, NW, SE, or SW quarter of that section.